We have arrived!
No small feat to feel like you’ve truly arrived – to feel welcomed, celebrated, home, but since the Diocesan pilgrims entered the sacred village of Fatima, we have truly known what it feels like to arrive. This town has greeted us with open arms, and we have felt the comfort of their loving embrace ever since. Everywhere we go we meet fellow travelers, on their way to Lisbon to greet the living Church!

The energy in the streets is palpable. Our time as a delegation has been spent in deep prayer, and a strengthening of the family that we have made in one another – we laugh a lot! There have been powerful experiences of closeness to our Lord and His Blessed Mother here in Fatima, most impossible to describe, but all have left us in awe and thanksgiving for our good and generous God.
We continue to carry all of you in our prayers as we journey forward to Lisbon today.
Please continue to pray for us and for the success of this World Youth Day!