“From near or far, you all set out. It is very important to set out. This is how we should face our own lives, as a journey to be traveled, making each day new.”
These words spoken by Cardinal-Patriarch Clemente at yesterday evening’s WYD Opening Mass perfectly describe the experience of the journey for our Diocesan crew over the past two days.
We set out together from Fatima strengthened by our time of prayer, and ready to greet the world in Lisbon.

We were greeted with cheers and great welcome from international WYD pilgrims immediately as our group got off the bus, and the experience of great excitement has only grown from there.
Over the past 24 hours we have taken part in our National Gathering with Cardinal LaCroix and 5,000 other Canadian delegates, as well as learned the transit systems and participated in the official WYD Opening Mass.
There has never been a shortage of events to take part in, or memories to make amongst our group. We are embracing every moment, and as Cardinal Clemente has encouraged us, we continue to make each day new and give God thanks along the way.

Pray for us, as we do for all of you!