It is safe to say that the last three days of our experience in Portugal were arguably the most physically and emotionally draining on our pilgrims, and yet, the spiritual awakening that took place for our participants was undeniable. Heading into the last few days our young people were plagued with head colds, achy muscles and sheer exhaustion from the heat and endurance required for the long days. Energy was waning, and enthusiasm was low. We took time in these days for rest as we knew the walk to the Papal Vigil would take every ounce of determination left in our bodies.

As a group, we decided to forego the pilgrimage to the site of the Stations of the Cross, and chose rather to watch them as a family riverside via telecast. This choice blessed us with a deep experience of prayer, as we meaningfully accompanied Jesus on the road to Calvary. Many tears were shed, and the power of the Cross reminded us that even in the darkest days, there is hope.
Our crew rose with the sun early the next morning with newfound energy. We prayed and danced together in preparation for the long journey to the Papal Vigil. After 16 km of arduous walking over 6 long hours in the baking heat, we arrived at our Vigil destination. Many times during that hike we felt like giving up, our bodies and minds were tired, and we didn’t trust in our own abilities. It was through the praying of the Rosary, the gift of song, and the reminder that Jesus was with us on the road that we had the strength to go on.

Our evening was blessed with a spectacular sunset followed by Eucharistic Adoration with the Holy Father. It was truly remarkable to witness a crowd of 1.5 million people fall silent before the Lord, exposed for all.

In the morning of the missioning Mass we rose, dusty and sunburnt, but different, never to be the same again. In his closing homily, our Holy Father, Pope Francis left the youth of the world with one simple message, “have no fear, take heart, do not be afraid”.

There are so many things that young people could drown in fear of these days – the climate crisis, global conflict, the rising cost of living and insecurity of employment. We can fear ourselves, fear others, and worst of all, fear the love and mercy of God. The Holy Father, through his prayerful presence and encouragement during this World Youth Day reminded us that with open minds and hearts, and a willingness to go just like Mary, we are charged to be fearless witnesses to the world.
We return to our Diocese as individuals, ready to serve our world in the spirit of Christ, but will be bonded together forever by the moments of true beauty, joy and goodness that we encountered in Portugal. I encourage you to keep these young men and women in your continued prayers. I know that their pilgrimage through life is just beginning. May these amazing young men and women continue to grow closer in love with the Lord and His Holy Church.

Esta es la juventud del Papa. This is the youth of the Pope.